Cement producers
Cement additives
Cement producers operate in one of the world’s toughest industries, facing both economical and environmental challenges as well as a vast number of new demands that push plant and human resources to the limits.
Alongside expectations to lower the clinker factor, increase production efficiency and improve cement’s overall performance, mill operators are increasingly expected to optimize energy consumption and reduce CO2 emissions.
We offer an innovative range of grinding aids, performance enhancers and specialty products that are targeted to cement manufacturers’ current and emerging needs.
Cement additives aimed at improving grinding efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing performance of cement. Products within this category are divided as follows:
Grinding aids designed to increase mill productivity, reduce pack-set, and optimize grain size distribution. These are designed for grinding grey cement, white cement and various other minerals.
Quality and strength improvers, including strength enhancers to increase early and late compression thus allowing reductions in the clinker factor, strength enhancers blended with water reducers to optimize water demand and improve workability, strength enhancers blended with set-modifying additives to shorten or lengthen setting times and strength enhancers blended with water permeability reducers to impart water repellency to the cement.
Additives for masonry cement, including multi-purpose products combining grinding aids, pack-set reducing, and strength enhancing performances, grinding aids blended with water reducers to improve trowability, grinding aids blended with set-retarders to extend open setting time, and grinding aids blended with water permeability reducers.
Specialty additives for specific applications, including air entertainer’s particularly used when producing masonry cement, water reducers allowing a decrease in water demand for given consistency or an improvement in workability for given w/c ratios, set-modifiers (retarders and accelerators) enabling proper adjustment of cement setting time, water permeability reducers for optimized moisture absorption rates, chromium VI reducers, available in powder or liquid forms.